Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens;

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Psalm 57:5 King James Version

5 Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.

Wisdom From Fellow Pilgrims

As I gazed into the distant past of deepest space, I wondered, “Is God really beyond all of this?” God, unbound by time and space, isn’t just hanging out on a distant planet in a galaxy on the other side of the universe, waiting to bring his kingdom to earth. God is beyond the deepest depths of space and the distant past into which we look back through space-time. But when I first laid eyes on the SMACS 0723 image, I confess my wonder was mixed with doubt: Could he really be beyond all of this?

Yes. Our God, who spoke trillions of stars into existence, is somehow and in some way not only beyond the most distant galaxies but around them, and through them, in a hands-on way. As difficult as it is to comprehend the enormity of the universe, it’s even more difficult to understand that God is bigger than it and beyond it. Difficult to understand, yes. But maybe not difficult to believe.

God Is Beyond and Behind the Enormous Universe


Today’s  Daily Readings

5 Bible Verses About Sharing the Word of God