The just shall live by faith.

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Romans 1:17 King James Version

17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Wisdom From Fellow Pilgrims

“Comfort each other
and edify one another. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 It is an undeniable fact that usually those who have suffered most are best able to comfort others who are passing through suffering. They know what it is to suffer, and they understand more than others what a suffering person is experiencing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They are able to empathize as well as sympathize with the afflictions of others because of what they have experienced in their own lives. Our sufferings may be rough and hard to bear, but they teach us lessons that in turn equip and enable us to help others. Our attitude toward suffering should not be, “Grit your teeth and bear it,” hoping it will pass as quickly as possible. Rather, our goal should be to learn all we can from what we are called upon to endure, so that we in turn can “comfort each other and edify one another.”

―   Billy Graham, Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith