Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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Hebrews 11:1 King James Version

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Wisdom From Fellow Pilgrims

“Who will have their strength renewed? “Those who wait upon the Lord”. Waiting could signify passivity: being still. Waiting could also indicate action: serving. Waiting — either kind — can be nearly impossible while we are being run by our emotions. In learning to balance your emotions with wisdom, learning to wait upon the Lord in both senses of the word, you will find that your strength is renewed every day in every situation. On the other hand, operating out of emotions can be exhausting. In your Christian walk, the ability to discern seasons is vital. There are times in your life where immediate action is not only unnecessary, it can be damaging. There are situations in which your best course of action is to “be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10).”

― Jennifer Spivey, Esther: Reflections From An Unexpected Life